Leadership Si Management Educational
Those in educational leadership roles tend to go above and beyond just management and administrative tasks however.
Leadership si management educational. Management is a discipline of managing things in the best possible manner it is the art or skill of getting the work done through and with others. Leadership is a quality of influencing people so that the objectives are attained willingly and enthusiastically. Management is widely used in britain europe and africa for example while administration is preferred in the united states canada and australia. 1 theories of educational leadership and management.
128longacre londonwc2e9an tel 44 0 2074472000. This is be cause of the widesprea d belief th at the qua lity of leader ship makes a significant difference to school and student outcomes. Teorii si practici actuale pret. Leadership si management educational.
Edinburghgate harlowcm202je tel 44 0 1279623623 fax 44 0 1279431059 londonoffice. Conceptele cheie rezumatele si subiectele de dezbatere incluse in fiecare capitol faciliteaza utilizarea lucrarii si ca suport de curs. It is not exactly same as management as leadership is one of the major element of management. Managementul educational este un domeniu de studiu si de activitate care vizeaza modul de functionare si conducere a organizatiilor educationale.
29 95 lei autor tony bush editura polirom an 2015 menu account circle contact support info phone 0351 405 223. Educational leadership involves working with and guiding teachers toward improving educational processes in elementary secondary and postsecondary institutions. 4 theories of educational leadership and management 8721 restyle 3 qxd 09 08 2010 17 15 page 4. Style to diverse si tuations.
Mately fly in the face of particular unrealistic and often inadequately researched government initiatives or requirements. 140 this debate is likely to continue but the central issue relates to the rel. Management is a series of actions and t asks relevant to highly well organized. Leadership si management educational este un excelent instrument de lucru pentru cei care detin functii decizionale in cadrul unitatilor de invatamint si in sistemul educational in general.
The significance of educational leadership and management there is great interest in educational leadership in the early part of the 21st century.